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Hiring A Lawyer

October 18, 2024

When hiring a lawyer for a specific need, it can seem like a daunting task. Although some lawyers practice in a few areas of law and consider themselves to be “general practitioners of law”, it is normally wise to seek out an attorney that has expertise in the field of law to which you are seeking legal advice and assistance. You should seek a consultation from at least two lawyers, interview the lawyer and let your selection be based upon experience, cost, history of success and your comfort level with the attorney.

Some Basic Questions to Ask a Lawyer

The first question should be regarding their experience - how long they have been in practice? What is their expertise in this particular field?

The next question should be how many cases have they handled like yours? What is their success rate? A reputable attorney should have proof of success, i.e., copies of verdicts and testimonials from previous or current clients.

Will the chosen attorney actually perform all legal services from inception to conclusion or will your case instead of referring your case to another law firm just to obtain a legal fee?

Another important question is to find out all of your options – what other alternatives do I have to resolve my case? Can it be arbitrated or mediated to come to a possible resolution?

Finally, while an attorney cannot possibly guarantee an outcome or the length of time that it will take to come to a resolution of the matter, you can ask him/her how long they think it will take to resolve based upon their experience and the particulars of your situation.




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